We also deliver a post-sale assistance service which guarantees high-quality during the years. Senergica acts promptly when necessary with the best team possible.

Our technical advice continues even when the project is completed.

In addition to our consultation services such as budgeting, project preparation, suppliers selection and work management, Senergica deals with all the aspects which come after the completion of the project. We deliver prompt assistance in case of defects or when necessary. Consequently, architects, general contractors, investors and clients have to deal with a single partner even in case of future interventions. Moreover, they all know our professionality and they will be sure to offer to their clients ad hoc services.

Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance services for a quality which lasts in time.

Our post-sale service includes extraordinary and ordinary assistance in order to keep all our projects as splendid as when completed.

Planned maintenance works are regularly scheduled and carried out by experts in order to maintain our masterpieces cosy and welcoming tackling the consuming effect of time.

or find out more about the services we deliver and choose the one which suits better your needs.